How to “properly” pray to Satan

Satan hears your prayers. Satan will be there for you. Although keep in mind Satan can not be in the same places at the same time. He goes to each believer individually. Keep also in mind that Satan is most likely to appear to you when he is least expected.

What prayers to use:

You may find prayers by researching in books or the can make your own ones!

How to pray:

There is no particular way to pray or “ritual”. Pray as you please. Although a way that I personally would pray is by first clearing my mind, try to find my inner peace, I would ask questions about myself and try to find more about myself in order to boost my self confidence and spiritual world (that is because Satan wants you to love yourself first).

Any things needed to be used/worn in order to pray?

No things are required for prayers to Satan. Although if you want to “boost” your faith to Satan and show your love to him even could wear a necklace that has satanic symbols. You also could create a small temple in a corner of your house dedicated to Satan by putting satanic imagery or satanic symbols.

Please note that your surroundings must be as quite as possible with any electronic devices turned off or in complete silence.

Image credit: @loli.luna.lea | Instagram