What made "Satan"?

sakrogoat: Simon Bisley - Paradise Lost (Satans Fall) (With images ...

Satan was an angelic being. The right hand of God. He was the most powerful angel. Satan one day before days were created was thinking of why should not he be a god. Why he could not oversee the creation of the world as we know... He was eager for power which natural. He talked to other angels about this and explained them how god manipulated them and enslaved them for his wills. Satan promised those angels the real freedom of will. 1 third (1/3) of the angels joined him. God wanted to banish Satan from Heaven although Satan did not want to go as well as the other angels). Satan alone defeated many archangels and angels although the Archangel Michael and god managed to banish him & the other angels to another place of torture and punishment, Hell. The angels were named fallen-angels while Satan gained a new emotion at that time called "Wrath". Now Satan represents freedom and knowledge while also can be seen as a symbol of self-confidence, as Satan wants you to first love yourself then him or any god.