Privacy Policy / ToS

Privacy Policy

Your IP is logged for Google Analytics (so we are able to see from which country traffic comes most). Your IP may also be logged when you contact us by e-mail or get in touch with us in order to redeem your prizes from the Satanic Surveys.

Financial information:
We might ask for your PayPal e-mail in order for us to send your payments for completing Satanic Surveys. Also if you wish to order a merch product, you will be given our PayPal address to pay, once you pay there your e-mail is logged in our PayPal account for refund purposes or buyers/sellers disagreement.  

E-mail address:
Your E-mail address is being collected (only if you decide to subscribe) by a 3rd party e-mail Subscription service partnered with Google, FeedBurner. This is because when you subscribe you will get notifications through e-mail for our new posts. We may also see your e-mail address once you contact us by e-mail or get in touch with us in order to redeem your prizes from the Satanic Surveys.

The cookies we use are the cookies Google uses. For more click the "More info" button from the gray banner that appears by Google once you enter our site.

Last updated: 3/30/2020 | dd/mm/yyyy

Terms of Service (cosmetics)

Refunds are available only if an item is broken and not delivered. If the item is broken you will have to provide us additional proof of the item being broken. We also do not accept returns of the items for a refund.

Payment fees:
Fees from PayPal payments must be paid from the costumer. This happens only if the costumer decides not to pay through Friends & Family.

Package tracking:
We do not provide mechanical tracking for your products, but you can request anytime for us to tell you what your products are doing at anytime (example: if the item has been sent, if the payment is being processed etc.).

If there are delays for your products, you will get no refund. Although depending on the delay (5 business days+) might get you a partial refund and still deliver your items.

Donations to non-profit organizations:
Once upon purchasing an item we will donate the "profit" to a non-profit organization of your choice. We will donate to that organization instantly if the money have been received instantly to us. If the money are on hold, we will donate to that organization once the money are available.

Age restriction:
We have a minimum age allowance to buy from our cosmetics. The age is 17 years old. If  younger please get permission from a parent or 17 (+). If the transaction payment-delivery is already made we will not issue a refund even if you return the cosmetics (if the buyer does not want a refund but does not feel comfortable with the items delivered he/she can return them with the delivery cost being covered by him/her, or if the buyer wants certain items he/she may keep them and return the other(s) that he/she does not want with the delivery cost being covered by him/her please note that neither in this case we will issue a full refund we might issue a partial refund depending on the product's first condition/worth).

Last updated: 4/8/2020 | dd/mm/yyyy