Poems to Satan #2

Burn The Veil

The wind has been felt before
A swelling storm ever changing with a deeper roar
Its no secret
Something sinister is in the air
There is a curious eye at a bewildering sight
Nothing stranger than rage on gods face

Blow and blow the veil
With the finest pair of dauntless wings
Burn burn the veil
Oh Dragon with your mighty breath

Hault no moment in this changing world
That which blood has to being red can not suffice!!
The storming fire ingredient to a witch's broth
Thus its the gene Oh mage delight
For this is your moment in this changing world
Dance in the fire while it burns the veil.     ~ By DevilsAdvocate

Satanic Hymn

Forces of the Inferno come,

Welcome me into thy home.

Battles rage o're Heavens and Earth.

Make me thine soldier at every birth.

Hail to those of the Black Sun,

Rest not till the victory's won!

Adversary Jews be bound,

As our hymns of triumph sound!

Doth from Father forth we come,

To make all realms our kingdom.

Boundless shall our kingdom be,

Lasting through all eternities!

Brightly doth does Lucifer shine!

Glorious is his light, divine.

Nothing can o're-cloud his light,

Ever be our faith thus bright!

~Lucius Montague


The one in white,
The bringer of Light,
Warm and kind,
Like the sun so bright,
His auras' golden shine,
Reveals truth,
I see my fight,
With truth revealed,
Released my binds,
I feel so free,
Like I'm in flight.         

                             ~ By Aah 108