
Us Satanists may have experienced something which we do not cause to others..racism. How many times someone has attacked you verbally for being a Satanist..? I personally have been verbally attacked many times. Even on my Instagram Satanic related page. Although I manage to "win" those verbal fights due to many correct arguments I have. Someone that won't be able to defend himself and his faith to Satanism due to him being new into the religion, may be traumatized by his decision being a Satanist and be forced to change religion. That should be considered a crime, that person chose something that he loved, Satan, no one else has the right to change his decision by attacking him in any way. Teachers in schools that teach us supposingly to love everyone equally are attacking Satanists and in some cases they avoid talking about them (personal experience). Not only that but also the U.S government refused to build a Baphomet statue although they allowed to build the 10  Commandments Monument.(The US government is not only government that made this racist act but also other governments are very racist and some in a bigger scale.)

Everyone should be aware of this and take actions against this. Do not let anyone religiously (and not only) attack someone else.

Ave Satana, Heil Lilith, Heil Lucifer, Heil Belial.