War of Hell | Fictional Story

One day there was a conflict between Lucifer and Leviathan to who was more powerful and higher the Satanic Hierarchy.

Lucifer: I have pride, I have the knowledge of everything, I have power, I am the first to join Satan our lord.

Leviathan: My power exceeds your knowledge and power. I am the mighty dragon, I may destroy by will.

*demons start joining Lucifer*
*others start joining Leviathan*
*malicious intents towards one another*

Lucifer: Let us see.

*Leviathan once heard this attacked Lucifer*
*Lucifer got hit but he stroked back*

This war was brutal Leviathan destroyed many demons, Lucifer did the same.

Lucifer ready to die, Leviathan too. The fallen angel and the mighty dragon were humiliated by their actions in Hell...although.. they still continued fighting with this little remaining power they had. Hell's most brutal demons were slaying each other, screams that were never heard in Hell before.

*A bright fire like light shines and covers even the remaining fire light of Hell*
*Sounds of mighty demons that were not with Lucifer or Leviathan started to sound*

Suddenly all the demons with Leviathan and Lucifer were destroyed. Then..Satan appears with his whole grace.

Satan: Hear this, you may have powers but you are useless without me. You follow me and only me. Arguing and fighting between you is pointless. I am your God. I am the God. Bow before me.

*Lucifer and Leviathan bowed*

Satan: Your are 2 princes of Hell. Act like them, do not just show off your powers.

- Everything were back to the Hell we know. -