Satanic salvation

Let us first start with the definition of salvation. Salvation defines as the preservation and deliverance from harm. In Christianity the word "salvation" is used as a synonym to the faith towards Christ and that is because they believe their faith to Jesus will give them salvation.
Let us see the "salvation" Jesus has given to the human race: NONE . Some may wonder Jesus sacrificed himself to save us! He would not need to sacrifice himself if he was the son of the powerful God..."God" could easily save him with any way, or even Jesus could save himself as he is "powerful".
This dramatic ending of Jesus' "sacrifice" for humans is possibly just a dramatic "act" to have faith to a potential false (G/g)od. Keep in mind that Jesus made miracles that are not written in any history book to people that history has never met so if you hear from anyone that Jesus let humans kill him on purpose to show us his love, that is just bias. Jesus could show us his "love" in many other ways.
Satanic salvation though is real. For theistic Satanists, demons and princes of hell will help them for no return. Yes that might happen to others that are not Satanists but demons/princes will not have the same attitude to them as they will have to us. Keep in mind demons/princes of hell are friendly and more understandable to loyal believers to Satan. Demons will help you win a battle, demons will help you get rich, demons will help you get knowledge, that is salvation. Angels etc. will not interact with humans as they do.
For atheist Satanists, this salvation can be given in a way of relaxation. Satanism is a religion based on self-confidence and love/faith towards yourself. Satanists are able to understand themselves better and be more de-stressed.

Ave Satana, Heil mother of demons Lilith, Heil princes of Hell. 

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