Equality in Satanism

Satanism is a religion based on the human's freedom of will & physical/spiritual freedom. Satanism has been (and still is) the only religion that does not judge people by their sexual preferences and gender. In Christianity (as well in other religions) women were not equal to men..therefore this stereotypical image of women being capable of household only. Furthermore Christianity had banned homosexual marriage (although very recently has been un-banned). Since "god" and Christ love all people equally  why did they do this to them?..
Satanists do not swear at others for their religion...they do not make fun of others..the acceptance of the different is what makes us unique (theistic or not)!
Treat people how you want them to treat you..do not let anyone judge you for your personal preferences and stand up for yourself!

Ave Satana, Heil mother of demons Lilith.